School Supply List
First Grade
- Crayons- 1 box of 24
- Glue sticks- 12 quantity
- Safety Scissors
- #2 Pencils - 4 dozen pre-sharpened (we recommend Ticonderoga)
- Large pink eraser
- 2 Two-Pocket poly folder (any color or design plastic folder)
- Plastic pencil box
- Expo Dry Erase markers - 4 packages (we recommend Expo brand)
- Over-the-head wired headphones (no earbuds please)
- 1package of baby wipes (for science)
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
*Please label all supplies with the child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it's a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back-to-school sales.
Second Grade
- Crayons - 1 box of 24
- Watercolor paint with brush
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- #2 pencils - 4 dozen pre-sharpened (Ticonderoga recommended)
- Large pink eraser
- Green plastic folder with prongs
- l Two-Pocket poly folder (fun design plastic folder)
- Plastic pencil box
- Expo Dry Erase markers - 4 packages (Expo brand recommended)
- Over-the-head headphones (no earbuds please)
- l Reusable water bottle
- l package of baby wipes (for science}
- l large bottle of hand sanitizer
*Please unwrap and label all supplies with the child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it's a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back-to-school sales.
Third Grade
*Individual teachers may ask for additional items*
- Hand Sanitizer
- Crayons (Box of 24)
- Colored Pencils (Pack of 24)
- Glue Sticks (8-10)
- 1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars preferred)
- 3 dozen #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- A pencil box to hold supplies
- 1 (1-inch) Binder
- 2 marble composition notebooks
- 4 PLASTIC two-pocket folders (red, yellow, green, blue)
- Dry erase markers (2 packages)
- Headphones for students (in a Labeled bag)
- Package of baby wipes
- Package of Highlighters
- Package of Sharpies
Teacher Wish List - Optional (NOT REQUIRED):
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Tissues
- Paper Towels
Please label all supplies with names. Thank you for all your help!
- 3rd Grade Team
Fourth Grade
- Colored Pencils - 1 box of 24
- Glue Sticks - 6 Pack
- #2 Ticonderoga pencils - 4 dozen
- Cap erasers for pencils - About 50
- 2 Blue or black pens
- 6 Marble composition notebooks
- 1 Reams of loose-leaf, wide-ruled paper
- 6 Two-Pocket folders - 1 each: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (plastic preferred)
- Pencil Pouch
- Low-odor ultra-fine tip dry erase markers - 1 package
- Earbuds or headphones (new or used)
- Scissors
NO Trapper Keepers, Please!
*Please label all supplies with the child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it's a good idea to stock up on usable items during the back-to-school sales.
Fifth Grade
Each student needs the following items:
- Headphones or Earbuds
- 1 Homework folder
- Reusable PLASTIC Water Bottle (no metal bottles please)
*Please place supplies in a plastic bag labeled with your child's name.*
Items may need to be replenished later in the year, so it's a good idea to stock up on items during the back-to-school sales.
Mrs. Nimmo's ELA and Social Studies Supply List
- 2 1-inch binder
- 6 Dividers
- 1 Plastic yellow folder
- Several Packs of Small Post-its (1.5" X 2.0")
- 1 Packages of Loose Leaf Paper (Please do NOT open them)
- 1 Dozen #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- One 3-ring pouch that will stay in the ELA binder
Mr. Gannon's Math and Science Supply List
- 1 1-inch binder
- 1 Math folder
- 1 Science folder
- 1 Composition Notebook
- 1 Pencil Box (that will stay inside their desk)
- 4 Dozen #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 1 Small package of colored pens
- 1 Package of colored pencils (24 count)
- 1 Package of Post-its (3"x3")
- 1 Package of Expo Dry Erase Markers with an eraser
Mrs. Oliveira’s Math and Science Supply List
- One 1-inch binder
- One 3-ring pouch that will stay in the Math binder
- 1 Plastic Blue Folder
- 1 Plastic Green Folder
- 1 Marble Notebook
- 1 Pack of lined Index Cards
- 1 Package of 3x3 post-it note
- 1 Pencil Box that will stay inside their desk
- 1 Package of Colored Pencils (24 Count)
- 1 Package of Expo Dry Erase Markers with an eraser
- 4Dozen #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 1 Package of Pencil Cap Erasers
Mrs. Dickson’s ELA and Social Studies Supply List
- 2 Dozen #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 1Plastic Purple Folder
- 1 Plastic Yellow Folder
- 2 Marble notebooks
- 1 package of construction paper
- 1 Package of Loose Leaf Paper (Please do NOT open it)
- 1 Pack of lined Index Cards
- 1 Pencil Box that will stay inside their desk
- Scotch Tape